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Page 13

  Moments later, the spy brushed past his master at the agreed place. The paper changed hands safely. Once his master had gone, the thin man drew out a handkerchief with shaking hands and wiped nervous sweat from his forehead. For such a tiny thing, the paper had been a monstrous weight to carry.

  His heart lighter now, he made his way back through the streets, heading for home. A quick glance over his shoulder told him he wasn’t being followed. If it hadn’t been for the groans of the dying and the pale bodies lying unburied by the roadside, he might have whistled a merry tune.

  He turned down a side street. Home was only a stone’s throw away now, and he thought with relish of the cold ham and the keg of beer waiting for him...

  From behind came the sound of footsteps, hurrying up swiftly.

  The spy frowned. Suddenly, he was no longer sure he hadn’t been followed. He was no longer sure of anything. He began to turn round, but he never saw his attacker. The last thing he felt was an agonizing blow to the head.

  Then there was only the sound of a body being dragged away over the cobblestones...

  Read Plague to find out what happens next!

  Other titles from the Secrets & Spies series – Plague

  A terrible plague is sweeping through London, and Beth and her company of actors are sent to Oxford to entertain the King’s court, which has decamped to avoid the deadly disease. However, Beth soon finds herself recalled to London by spymaster Alan Strange, and together with her friends and fellow spies, she must uncover a conspiracy that is taking advantage of the turmoil in the capital. A conspiracy that leads right to the seat of power...


  The year is 1666 and Beth is throwing herself into a new dramatic role a the theatre when the kidnapping of fellow spy John’s sister pulls her back into fighting the conspiracy against the King. Henry Vale’s thugs aim to blackmail John into exposing the King, and Beth and her friends face a race against time to rescue the young girl – and escape the raging fire that threatens to consume the whole city...

  New World

  When it seems Henry Vale is planning to extend his conspiracy to kill the King to an elaborate plot in the Americas, Beth is offered the role of a lifetime. Strange, her spymaster, requests that Beth and her fellow spies travel to the new world to maintain their close surveillance of the would-be king-killer. But will their passage across the ocean be interrupted before it even begins?

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